Sunday, September 15, 2024

Is it possible to treat diseases through astrology?

 Sunday 14th September 2024 at 5:15 PM

Where in India is this treatment possible?

Chandigarh: 15 July 2024: (Media Link//Aaradhana Times Desk)::

Is it possible to treat diseases through astrology? Are there any scientific bases for this? If so, where in India and the world are such treatments done? Can such places and people be found out? Such questions are often asked by those people whose astrology is still unknown.

In fact, treating diseases through astrology has been a controversial and discussed topic for a long time. There are different opinions about astrology on many matters and it is quite challenging to support it on scientific basis. However, in many places, along with medicine, there are separate sections for treatment through astrology. An attempt can be made to clarify this subject through the following points.

Astrology and treatment of diseases may seem strange to most people, but those who have faith in this science and those who have knowledge of astrology consider it to be completely perfect. Astrology, while investigating a disease, sometimes goes to the past lives. Modern science sees it according to the family background. They believe that this disease has come from the genes of the mother or father. In this regard, the health of many generations is often examined. Diseases like thalassemia are considered genetic diseases. Perhaps this is also one of the reasons due to which marriage disputes in close relations were considered taboo. While making a marriage relation, people considered it appropriate to leave seven generations from the mother and father's side. Perhaps this is the reason why a village girl was respected like a real sister. Marriage with her was not even thought of.

The principle of astrology is very deep in many other aspects too. In astrology, it is believed that the position of planets and constellations affects our life and health. Astrologers try to tell by analyzing the position of planets and horoscopes which planets or constellations can have a negative impact on your health and suggest remedies for it.

Now the methods of treatment suggested according to astrology are also special. It is a different matter that those who do not believe in astrology may find these methods strange.

One of these methods is wearing gems. Wearing gems is a must but not everyone knows about it. Some uneducated people sometimes make the person wear the wrong gems and are only interested in filling their pockets. Therefore, while doing it, it is very important to find out who is a good and knowledgeable astrologer.

Another method for this purpose is to perform Puja and rituals. It also has many benefits but it is better to ask its correct method from a good and knowledgeable person. Puja and rituals were performed in the old times and are performed even today.

Giving special donations for a special purpose and treatment is also considered a good way. If some special things are donated at special places at special times, then it also gives benefits. There is a science and method behind this kind of donation. Without understanding it, all this may not be beneficial.

Chanting special mantras sometimes becomes a method of giving immediate benefits. Mantra chanting comes under this method. Whose pronunciation, time and voice or tune are all scientifically calculated. Their effect is also deep.

Scientific approach and scientific evidence may not be able to prove much, yet people's faith in it is constantly increasing. Those who believe in it, do so. At present, there is very little scientific evidence of treating diseases through astrology, but still faith and belief in it is constantly increasing.

However, it is also difficult to scientifically test the theory of astrology and its effects because it depends on many personal and environmental factors. Many scientific studies done on astrology have failed to prove that there is any clear relationship between the position of planets and human health.

Apart from this, the placebo effect also works a lot. In some cases, people may get psychological benefits by doing astrological remedies. This is called the placebo effect, where a person's faith and belief can have a positive impact on his health.

Where are astrology-based treatments available in the country and the world? This question is also asked very often. This question is also important. Astrology has a long history in India and it is widely popular. Many people resort to astrological remedies for health problems. Especially in some parts of South India, there are astrology-based health clinics and treatment centers.

Himachal Pradesh, surrounded by the hilly areas of North India, is also very important in this matter. If you go eight kilometers up the mountain from Dharamsala in Himachal, there is the headquarters of the Dalai Lama. The atmosphere there also starts feeling very religious.

It is known as McLeodganj. There is a temple of the Tibetan community as well as a hospital at this place. In this hospital, almost all those diseases are treated in which modern medical methods prove unsuccessful. From common diseases to cancer, treatment is done here successfully.

Talking about other countries, astrology and tantra-mantra are also prevalent in Nepal. Many diseases are cured here in local ways. Tibetan astrology and medicine have their own importance. We have discussed this above as well.

Along with this, it is also true that western countries are also not less in this matter. In some western countries too, people are interested in astrology, but it has never become a part of mainstream medicine. People also get cured with this type of treatment method, but despite this, they do not come in front of the world.

The conclusion also comes out that centers for treatment with astrology are present in many places. Treating diseases with astrology is a controversial and personal belief. Its scientific evidence is very limited and it is not supported in modern medicine. However, from cultural and historical point of view, it is prevalent in many societies.

In the end, a special advice is also important that caution should be taken while doing astrological treatment and for serious health problems, one should always consult a qualified medical specialist.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Bibhash Mishra on the illusion and secrets of Rahu

18 November 2023 at 08:25 am WhatsApp 

Jamshedpur: (Jharkhand): 18 November 2023:

(Astro Screen//Aradhana Times Astrology Desk): 

People are discussing many issues like Rahu, Ketu, Sadhesati. Are worried. What is this whole matter after all? How is a scientific aspect and proper solution to these issues possible? Some people believe in these things openly and some people secretly. Due to the ever increasing number of curious people interested in this field, this field has become a big industry. We will try our best to provide you authentic information. Experts in the field are regularly consulted for this sponsorship. This time we are talking about Rahu. There is a lot of fear, confusion and misconception in the minds of people regarding Rahu whereas very few people know about the reality. This time we are presenting for you a special article by Jharkhand's famous astrologer Bibhash Mishra in which many misconceptions about Rahu have been cleared. For those interested in astrology, the very meaningful explanation of Rahu will be very informative.

                                                      -Kartika Kalyani Singh (Coordinating Editor)

Rahu's flight has so many power. Perhaps you can get some idea of ​​how important Rahu's flight is by reading this post. In today's post we will discuss about the movement of planet Rahu. We understand its example like this.

In today's post we will discuss about the movement of Rahu planet.

We understand this example as

Let's say you have a Mercedes car worth Rs 1.5 crore, all the functions are automatic and equipped with all the comforts...

Along with this, you also have a private plane. The seats are torn, there are bedbugs in the seats, the paint of the jet is also peeled off... that is, it is in completely pristine condition... only the engine works properly. Is .

Now tell me whether if we want to reach the destination then a Mercedes worth Rs 1.5 crore will work or an old private plane.

No matter how expensive a Mercedes is, it has to be driven on the road only.

And if there is a traffic jam while moving on the road, the Mercedes cannot fly in the sky...

 Or if there are potholes and bumps, then no matter how good a Mercedes tire is, it will definitely jerk.

And if there is heavy traffic, your Mercedes worth Rs 1.5 crore will remain standing there...

No matter how much you cry and scream that you have a Mercedes worth Rs 1.5 crore, you should be allowed to go first.   Still no hearing..

And in a traffic jam, even if there is a handcart or an auto rickshaw standing right in front of you, you will have to stand behind it in the queue.

Because no matter how expensive a Mercedes is, it has to be driven on the road...

And no matter how old the airplane is, it has to fly in the sky....

Where there is neither any traffic... nor bumpy road...

The lone uncrowned king tearing through the sky...

Now let us try to understand the above example from planet

Er. Bibhash Mishra Research Scholar
 and Astrologer Consultant 
No matter how strong any planet you have, be it Venus, Jupiter or Buddha... and if its Mahadasha is going on, then you have a Mercedes worth Rs. 1.5 crore in the form of Shobha...

Which is beautiful only in form... but it will move on the road and once there is a traffic jam, it will have to stop there...

That means it has its own limit of big planets...

And Rahu is lying alone in your horoscope...

No matter how worn out you are, remember that flying is in the sky...

Rahu is neither worried about traffic nor about crowd on the roads...

Like a free bird, he has to fly through the open sky and reach your destination...

Perhaps this is why it is said that whatever work the other planets think of doing in their Mahadasha, by then Rahu will have done it in his Mahadasha. ,

We have seen the horoscopes of many famous musicians, cricketers, high officials in government positions… all of them have achieved their success in the Mahadasha of Rahu.

The work that you think is impossible is Rahu...

Taking a chisel and a hammer and breaking a big mountain for 22 years to make a path is Rahu...

Apple falling from the tree to the ground... and researching it to discover gravity is Rahu.

Rahu is such a happiness that you can't even imagine...

Tremendous lifestyle full of glamour. The lifestyle of big cricketers is 100% Rahu.

A cricketer starts playing cricket in the Mahadasha of Mars. Mars is the factor of sports.

Rahu is at its peak during Mahadasha of 18 years. Rahu is the factor of fame and glamour.

He takes retirement in the last phase of Rahu's Mahadasha.

In a few years, he is appointed to the post of coach and training when his Guru's Mahadasha is going on. Guru is the factor of coaching for all types of training.

Sometimes he also gets the opportunity of politics and has to face defamation, defeat or other things when his Saturn's Mahadasha is going on.

Thus, he plays his role very well as different characters in different Mahadashas.

But in all the characters, the golden age which has been his is…that is the Mahadasha of Rahu…that is, Rahu sets the platform which he gets the benefit in the rest of the Mahadasha.

Rahu is responsible for that event that happens suddenly in your life.. whether it is good or bad.. that event that completely turns your life upside down.

Now the question comes that when is the position of Rahu's Rajyoga Karaka best?

When Rahu is in the third house in your horoscope or Rahu is in the eleventh house in your horoscope...

And the most Rajyogi position of Rahu is when Rahu is placed in its own Nakshatra Ardra, Shatabhisha, Swati.

All three constellations are Rahu's own...but in Shatabhisha it shows amazing effect.

In all three constellations, Shatabhisha is his wife, Adra is his son, and Swati is his daughter.

Obviously a happy person remains very happy with his wife... That's why if Rahu is of Shatabhisha then it shows amazing effect.

It does not matter much in which zodiac sign Rahu is placed or it is very important in which Nakshatra Rahu is placed...

If it is related to the constellation of Lagnesh…with the constellation of Dhanesh and Labhesh…with the constellation of Panchamesh and Bhagyesh…

Or it is sitting in the third house or eleventh house of the horoscope.

 Also, if Shatabhisha sits in Adra or Swati Nakshatra, then just see what it does in its Mahadasha.

Rahu is the factor of introduction of patience.

Just hold on with patience... then see, Rahu will create history in his Mahadasha.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Born on 2nd September are may be Natural Leaders

 An brief view of 2nd September 
Here are some facts about the persons born on 2nd September. September 2nd is an important Zodiac sign. Being a Virgo born on September 2nd, your personality is dominated by a strong will, tactfulness and great organization skills. When confronted with a task or challenge, you have the discipline to work tirelessly until the job is done. You have the ability to direct others with the same focus, which makes you a natural leader in chaotic situations. Your friends and family appreciate your ability to bring order to all aspects of life. moon always effect your mind and even heart too. you may become a poet or painter too. You will always maintain a special place in your house and heart for the art and classic friends. Peoples may make you fool too with fake artistic face and fake emotions. then Mother earth save you.

Because Earth is the major element of date September 2nd. Earth is the Virgo's element and in fact, you are the only zodiac sign with a fixed connection to the element. The Earth's influence becomes obvious when your grounded nature is considered. While others have their heads in the clouds, you are rarely focused on dreams, as it makes much more sense to focus on the practical. Your pragmatism and prudence is as stable as the ground that you stand on. Embracing these qualities will be an important part of your future success, but avoid the overly cautious nature that accompanies Earth's influence. This factor save you from the over imagination and dream world. This Earth again and again pull you back to the ground realities.
September 2nd Planetary Influence change your feelings and life style many times.Mercury is the ruling planet of your sign, but as you were born on the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you are also influenced by Saturn. While Mercury is the planet influencing your keen intellect and communication skills, Saturn's influence is seen in your discipline, patience and perseverance. This unique combination of planetary influence makes you a great problem solver. You tackle challenges in a practical and determined way. This ability is made even more clear, as you are able to use your communication skills to delegate effectively. Your planetary influence also supports your strong commitment to loved ones. You will accomplish great things in life as long as you remain focused on doing your best in work and relationships. In spite of many changes you make your life well balanced. 
Date of September 2nd also provide you very very interesting Career. You get many offers and opportunities in your life. Your intellect, social skills and determination are the perfect recipe for success in a variety of careers. You are a natural leader, so you may be very effective in business, administration, media or public relations. Similarly, careers in education, science or writing may be well-paired with your intellectual interests. In any career, look to the perseverance careers of Terry Bradshaw and Salma Hayek, who both share your September 2nd birthday, for encouragement.
September 2nd Sabian Symbol has many deep meanings.The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a boy moulded in his mother's aspirations for him. Whether or not you realize it, you have been formed by the influences of many. Allow your molding influences to guide your inner light and many rewards will surely follow. You get in your life what you want but you have to maintain a tuning between your heart, mind and job. You will not work against your heart then you will get more benefits and peace of mind.
Some Famous peoples of today (2nd September):
1243 Gilbert de Clare, 7th Earl of Hertford, English politician (d. 1295)
1548 Vincenzo Scamozzi, Italian architect (d. 1616)

1661 Georg Bohm, German organist/composer
1675 William Somervile, English poet (d. 1742)
1716 Johann Trier, German composer, born in Themar, Thuringia
1731 Johann F von Cronegk, German playwright (Olint und Sophronia)
1750 Pehr Frigel, Swedish composer, born in Kalmar (d. 1842)
1753 Marie Josephine Louise of Savoy, queen of France (d. 1810)
1763 Caroline von Schelling, [Michaelis], German author
1778 Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland (d. 1846)
1798 Thomas Holliday Hicks, (Union Gov) (d. 1865)
1805 Esteban Echeverría, Argentine writer (d. 1851)
1810 William Seymour Tyler, American educator and historian (d. 1897)
1814 Ernst Curtius, German archaeologist/historian
1830 William P. Frye, American politician (d. 1911)
1837 James Harrison Wilson, American topographic engineer and Major General (Union Army), born in Shawneetown, Illinois (d. 1925)
1838 Liliuokalani [Lydia Kamakaʻeha], last queen of Hawaii (1891-93), born in Honolulu, Oʻahu, Kingdom of Hawaii (d. 1917)
1839 Henry George, land reformer/writer (Progress & Poverty)
1840 Giovanni Verga, Italian writer (Eros)
1847 Roger Wolcott, 39th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1900)
1850 Albert Spalding, American baseball player, founder of Spalding sports company, born in Byron, Illinois (d. 1915)
1850 Eugene Field, author/journalist (Little Boy Blue)
1850 Woldemar Voigt, German physicist (d. 1919)
1852 Paul Bourget, French novelist and critic (d. 1935)
1853 Wilhelm Ostwald, German physical chemist (Nobel 1909)
1854 Hans Jæger, Norwegian writer and political activist (d. 1910)
1856 Yang Hsiu-ch'ing, commander in chief of Taiping Rebellion
1857 Thomas Groube, Australian cricketer (d. 1927)
1862 Franjo Krežma, Croatian violinist (d. 1881)
1866 Hiram Johnson, Progressive politician, US Senator, Governor of California (1911-17), born in Sacramento, California (d. 1945)
1870 Marie Ault, [Mary Cragg], Wigan England
1870 Archduchess Luise of Austria, Princess of Tuscany (d. 1947)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Famous Peoples born on 27th August

Astrology is a science--Try Know it 
Lyndon B. Johnson
36th US president
1407 - Ashikaga Yoshikazu, Japanese shogun (d. 1425)

1471 - George the Bearded, Meissen, Germany, Duke of Saxony (1500-39) (d. 1539)

1487 - Anna of Brandenburg, queen of Denmark (d. 1514)

1545 - Alessandro Farnese, Duke of Parma/general/diplomat

1562 - Hans Leo Hassler, composer

1583 - Simon Besler, composer
1630 - Maria van Oosterwijck, Dutch flower painter
1637 - Charles Calvert, 3rd Baron Baltimore, Governor of the Province of Maryland (d. 1715)
1650 - Johann Samuel Welter, composer
1665 - John Hervey, 1st Earl of Bristol, English politician (d. 1751)
1666 - Ivan V, co-tsar of Russia (1682-89)
1669 - Anne Marie of Orléans, queen of Italy (d. 1728)
1677 - Otto Ferdinand von Abensberg und Traun, Austrian field marshal (d. 1748)
1698 - Baal Shem Tov, Founder of the Chasiddic movement {d. 1760)
1719 - John/Jean Nepveu, Dutch governor of Suriname (1768-79)
1724 - John Joachim Zubly, Swiss-born Continental Congressman (d. 1781)
1730 - Hamann, writer
1739 - Michel Delalande, composer

Actress Barbara Bach

1752 - Herman Muntinghe, Dutch theologist (History of Mankind)

1768 - Anne-Francois Mellinet, French/Belgian general (Maastricht)

1770 - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher/inventor (dialectic)

1803 - Edward Beecher, American theologian (d. 1895)

1809 - Hannibal Hamlin, (R) 15th VP (1861-65)
1824 - Hiram Gregory Berry, Major General (Union volunteers), died in 1863
1826 - Frank Stillman Nickerson, Brigadier General (Union volunteers)
1826 - Hermann Kipper, music teacher/critic/composer
1832 - James Alexander Walker, Brigadier General (Confederate Army), died in 1901
1835 - Albijn van de Abeele, Flemish author/mayor/painter
1837 - Heinrich Urban, composer
1839 - Emory Upton, Bvt Major General (Union Army), died in 1881
1847 - Gustave J Waffelaert, Flemish theologist/bishop of Bridge
1849 - Manuel Acuna, Mexican poet (Nocturno)
1856 - Iwan Franko, writer
1858 - Giuseppe Peanoin Cuneo, Piemonte Italy, mathematician
1865 - Charles Gates Dawes, (R) 30th VP (1925-29, Nobel 1925)
1865 - James Henry Breasted, American Egyptologist (d. 1935)
1867 - Umberto Giordano, composer

Actor Pee-wee Herman

1869 - Karl Haushofer, soldier/geographer

1870 - Amado Nervo, [Juan C Ruiz de Nervo], Mexican writer/poet

1871 - Theodore Dreiser, US, novelist (Sister Carie, American Tragedy)

1874 - Karl Bosch, German chemist (BASF, Nobel 1931)

1875 - Katharine McCormick, American women's rights activist (d. 1967)
1877 - Charles Stewart Rolls, British auto manufacturer (Rolls-Royce Ltd)
1877 - Lloyd Cassel Douglas, novelist
1877 - Ernst Wetter, member of the Swiss Federal Council (d. 1963)
1878 - Joseph John Richards, composer
1882 - Jaroslav Kricka, composer
1884 - Harry Antrim, Chicago IL, actor (Miracle on 34th St, Devil's Doorway)
1884 - Vincent Auriol, president of France (1947-53)
1886 - Eric Coates, Hucknall Nottinghamshire England, viola player/composer
1886 - Rebecca Clarke, composer
1890 - Man Ray, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, American artist and photographe (Dada)
1894 - Charles Meredith, Knoxville Pa, actor (Court of Last Resort)
1896 - Leon Theremin, electronic musical instruments inventor [o.s. 15-08]
1896 - Faina Ranevskaya, Russian actress (d. 1984)
1897 - Ad van Emmenes, Dutch soccer reporter
1898 - Enny de Leeuwe, [Engelina], actress (Anatevka)/wife of Pierre Mols
1899 - Byron Foulger, Ogden UT, actor (River's Edge, Up in Smoke)
1899 - Cecil Scott Forester, English historical novelist (Horatio Hornblower) (d. 1966)
1901 - Al Ritz, [Joaquim], Newark NJ, actor (Ritz Brothers, Hi Ya Chum)
1901 - Roger Pryor, NYC, actor (Belle of the Nineties, Identity Unknown)
1902 - Herbert Menges, composer
1903 - Xavier Villaurrutia, Mexican poet (Nocturno de los Angeles)
1904 - Norah Lofts, British author (d. 1983)
1904 - John Hay Whitney, American financier (d. 1982)
1905 - Alexander Johnston, CEO (Board of Inland Revenue)
1905 - Frederick O'Neal, Brooksville Miss, actor (Car 54 Where Are You)
Murderer and Body Snatcher Ed GeinMurderer and Body Snatcher Ed Gein (1906) 1906 - Ed Gein, American serial killer (d. 1984)
1908 - Donald [George] Bradman, Cootamundra New South Wales, Australian cricketer (6,996 runs)
1908 - Frank Leahy, O'Neill Nebraska, football coach (Notre Dame)
1908 - Lyndon B. Johnson, Stonewall Texas, (D) 36th US President (1963-1969), (d. 1973)
1908 - Kurt Wegner, German artist (d. 1985)
1909 - Lester W "Pres" Young, US jazz saxophonist
1909 - Sidney R Yates, (Rep-D-IL, 1949-62, 65- )
1909 - Sylveer Maes, Belgian bicylist
1911 - Patience Edney, nurse/communist
1911 - Kay Walsh, British actress (d. 2005)
1912 - Peter Gretton, British vice admiral
36th US President Lyndon B. Johnson36th US President Lyndon B. Johnson (1908) 1913 - Arthur Benfield, head of Cheshire CID
1913 - Donald McKenzie MacKinnon, philosopher
1913 - Stewart Crawford, British diplomat
1914 - Catherine Marshall, editor/writer
1915 - Walter W Heller, economist (Old Myths & New Realities)
1916 - Martha Raye, [Margaret Reed], Butte Mont, actress (Martha Raye Show)
1916 - Tony Harris, cricketer (Springbok 5/8th, Test batsman))
1917 - Peanuts Lowrey, American baseball player (d. 1986)
1918 - Lord Winstanley, physician/British MP (Labour)
1919 - John Cox, Flemish/US painter/dir (Museum of Fine Physician, Boston)
1919 - Lord Dormand, of Eastington, British MP (Labour)
1920 - James Molyneaux, MP (Ulster unionist)
1921 - Georg Alexander, Duke of Mecklenburg, head of the House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (d. 1996)
1921 - Leo Penn, American film director (d. 1998)
1924 - David Rowbotham, Australian poet
1925 - Ken Grieves, cricketer (NSW leg-spin all-rounder)
1925 - Richard Rutt, bishop of Leicester
1925 - Tony Crombie, drummer/bandleader
1925 - Viscount Rothermere, newspaper owner
1925 - Darry Cowl, French actor (d. 2006)
1926 - Pat Coombs, English actress (d. 2002)
1926 - Kristen Nygaard, Norwegian mathematician (d. 2002)
1927 - Hugh Byatt, British diplomat
1927 - Liselott Linsenhoff, German FR, equestrian (Olympic-gold-1972)
1928 - Jack Thompson, MP (Labour)
1928 - Joan Kroc, wife of Ray Korc/owner (McDonalds & San Diego Padres)
1928 - Mangosuthu Gatsha Buthelezi, premier of Kwazulu (Shaka Zulu)
1928 - Peter Richard Tahourdin, composer
1928 - Othmar Schneider, Lech am, Arlberg, skier (Oly Gld 1952), (d. 2012)
1929 - Ad J Hermes, Dutch MP (KVP/CDA)
1929 - Elizabeta Bagrintseve, USSR, discus thrower (Olympic-silver-1952)
1929 - Ira Levin, author (Rosemary Baby, Boys From Brazil, This Perfect Day)
1930 - John Daly, British trade union leader
1930 - John Watts, chief of defense (Omani Armed Forces)
1931 - Sri Chinmoy, Indian guru (d. 2007)
1931 - Joe Cunningham, American baseball player
1932 - Antonia Fraser, biographer (Mary Queen of Scots)
1932 - Francois Glorieux, composer
1932 - M N Burdayev, cosmonaut
1932 - Mikhail Nikolayevich Burdayev, cosmonaut
1933 - Joke Smit, Dutch feminist
1935 - Frank Yablans, NYC, writer (North Dallas Forty)
1935 - Michael Holroyd, author
1935 - Ernie Broglio, American baseball player
1936 - Joel Kovel, American politician
1937 - Alice Coltrane, jazz musician
1937 - Mark Potter, British court judge
1937 - Phil Shulmon, rocker (Gentle Giant)
1937 - Tommy Sands, Chicago IL, singer/actor (Teenage Rock, Dream With Me)
1940 - David Hart, gen-sect (National Association of Head Teachers)
1940 - Warren Harding "Sonny" Sharrock, American jazz guitarist
1941 - Yuri Vassilyevich Malyshev, USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz T-2, T-11)
1941 - Harrison Page, American actor
1942 - Daryl Dragon, Pasadena California, keyboardist (Capt & Tennille)
1942 - Brian Peckford, Canadian politician
1943 - Bob Kerrey, (Sen-D Nebraska)
1943 - [Susan] Tuesday Weld, NYC, actress (Dobie Gillis, Wild in Country)
1944 - Barry Conyngham, composer
1944 - Tim Bogert, rocker
1944 - Wim Jurg, corrector/chairman (Werelddambond FMJD)
1944 - G W Bailey, Port Arthur, Texas, American actor (Police Academy, The Closer)
1946 - Tony Howard, cricketer (WI off-spinner one Test v NZ 1972)
1947 - Jacques Arnold, MP (Conservative)
1947 - John Morrison, cricketer ("Mystery" NZ batsman 1973-82)
1947 - Susie McAllister, LPGA golfer
Actress Barbara BachActress Barbara Bach (1947) 1947 - Barbara Bach [Goldbach], Queens, New York, American actress (The Spy Who Loved Me, Force 10 from Navarone)
1947 - Harry Reems, American actor, (d. 2013)
1947 - Ed Herrmann, San Diego, CA, MLB catcher (White Sox), (d. 2013)
1948 - Andy Turnell, horse trainer
1948 - Pavlos Sidiropoulos, Greek musician (d. 1990)
1949 - Andrew McKay, conservative MP
1949 - Douglas Fred Tewell, Baton Rouge LA, PGA golfer (1980 Sea Pines)
1949 - Edith Valckaert, Belgian violinist
1949 - Edmund Weiner, lexicographer
1949 - Jeff Cook, Fort Payne Ala, country guitar/vocalist (Alabama-Mt Music)
1950 - Charles Fleischer, Wash DC, comedian (Roger Rabbit)
1950 - Cynthia Potter, US, springboard diver (Olympic-bronze-1976)
1951 - Don [Sheldon George] Pooley Jr, Phoenix AZ, PGA golfer (1980 BC Open)
Actor Pee-wee HermanActor Pee-wee Herman (1952) 1952 - Pee-wee Herman, [Paul Reubens], NY, actor (Pee-wee's Big Adventure)
1953 - Alex Lifeson, Toronto Canada, rock guitarist (Rush)
1953 - Peter Stormare, Swedish-born actor
1954 - Derek Warwick, race car driver
1954 - John Lloyd, England, tennis star (former husband of Chris Everet)
1954 - Mike Kelley, Wayne, Michigan, artist (More Love Hours Than Can Ever Be Repaid), (d. 2012)
1955 - Diana Scarwid, Savannah GA, actress (Extermites, Psycho 3, Heat)
1955 - Roderick Hopkins Davis, Auckland NZ, yachting Star class (Olympics-96)
1955 - Laura Fygi, Dutch singer
1955 - Robert Richardson, American cinematographer
1956 - Glen Matlock, rock bassist (Sex Pistols)
1957 - Bernhard Langer, Anhausen, German golfer (two-time Masters champion)
1958 - Sergei Konstantinovich Krikalev, Russia, cosmonaut (TM-7, TM-12, STS 60)
1958 - Yoshinori Mizumaki, Tokyo Japan, PGA golfer (1994 Byron Nelson-2nd)
1958 - Normand Brathwaite, Canadian comedian and television and radio host
1958 - Tom Lanoye, Belgian author
1958 - Stalking Cat [Dennis Avner], Flint, Michigan, body modifier (world record holder in body modification), (d. 2012)
1959 - Gerhard Berger, formula-1 racer (Italian Grand Prix-1988)
1959 - Juan Fernando Cobo, Colombian artist
1960 - Damon Keeve, SF California, heavyweight (209+ lbs) judoka (Olympics-92, 96)
1961 - "Downtown" Julie Brown, TV host (Club MTV, Inside Edition)
1961 - Tom Ford, American fashion designer
1962 - Scott Davis, Santa Monica CA, tennis star
1962 - Vic Mignogna, American voice actor
1963 - Patty Duffek, Woodland Hills California, playmate (May, 1984)
1963 - Downtown Julie Brown, Welsh TV personality and MTV VJ
1964 - Frankie Thorn, American actress
1965 - Michael Perry, NFL defensive tackle (Denver Broncos)
1965 - Patricia Hy-Boulais, Phnom Penh Kampuchea, Canada tennis (Oly-92, 96)
1965 - Wayne James, cricketer (Zimbabwe Test wicketkeeper v Pakistan 1993)
1966 - Deena Wigger, Colorado Springs CO, US shooter (Olympic-92)
1966 - Juhan Parts, Prime Minister of Estonia
1967 - Brian McRae, Bradenton FL, outfielder (Chicago Cubs)
1967 - Rob Burnett, NFL defensive end (Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens)
1967 - Bob Nastanovich, American musician (Pavement, Silver Jews)
1968 - Christine Schaefer, Florence Ky, WPVA volleyballer (US Open-5th-1994)
1968 - Emanual Davis, NBA guard (Houston Rockets)
1968 - Martin Lowenfish, canoe (alt-Olympics-96)
1968 - Michael Long, Cromwell NZ, Australasia golfer
1969 - Kipp Vickers, NFL guard (Indianapolis Colts)
1969 - Mark Ealham, cricketer (Kent & England Test all-rounder 1996)
1969 - Steven Van Randwijck, Wash DC, field hockey player (Olympics-96)
1969 - Cesar Millan, Culiacan Mexico, professional dog trainer
1969 - Chandra Wilson, American actress
1970 - Andy Bichel, cricketer (Australian pace bowler v WI 1997)
1970 - Dene Hills, cricketer (prolific Tasmanian batsman)
1970 - Greg Woodcroft, Hamilton Ontario, 52 kg freestyle wrestler (Oly-96)
1970 - Jim Thome, Peoria IL, infielder (Cleveland Indians)
1970 - Mark Ilott, cricketer (England left-arm pace bowler 1993-)
1970 - Reggie Slater, NBA forward (Toronto Raptors)
1970 - Peter Ebdon, English snooker player
1970 - Tony Kanal, English-born musician (No Doubt)
1970 - Jeff Kenna, Irish footballer
1971 - Ernest Faber, soccer player (PSV)
1971 - Jim Flanigan, NFL defensive tackle (Chic Bears)
1971 - Julian Cheung, Hong Kong actor and singer
1972 - Chris Imes, South Paris Maine, US hockey defenseman (Olympics-1994)
1972 - Donta Jones, NFL linebacker (Pittsburgh Steelers)
1972 - Denise Lewis, English heptathlete
1972 - Dalip Singh, Indian professional wrestler
1972 - Mike Smith, Canadian actor
1973 - Carlene Begnaud, American professional wrestler
1973 - Cory Bowles, Canadian actor
1973 - Danny Coyne, Welsh footballer
1973 - Dietmar Hamann, German footballer
1974 - Sean Woodson, safety (Buffalo Bills)
1974 - José Vidro, Puerto Rican baseball player
1974 - Michael Mason, New Zealand cricketer
1975 - Jonny Moseley, American skier
1975 - Mark Rudan, Australian footballer
1976 - Cartos Moya, Spain, tennis star
1976 - Craig Mills, Toronto, NHL right wing (Winnipeg Jets)
1976 - Milano Collection Akihito Terui, Japanese professional wrestler
1977 - Michelle Kathlene Cardamon, California, Miss Teen USA (1996-3rd)
1977 - Sarah Chalke, Ottawa, actress (Becky-Roseanne, Ernest Goes to School)
1977 - Trisha Williams, Hobbs New Mexico, Miss America-New Mexico (1997)
1977 - Deco, Portuguese footballer
1977 - Mase, American rapper
1979 - Ara Francis, Miss Colorado Teen USA (1996)
1979 - Giovanni Capitello, American filmmaker/actor
1979 - Tian Liang, Chinese diver
1979 - Sarah Neufeld, Canadian musician (Arcade Fire)
1980 - Stephanie Michelle Steele, Abilene TX, country singer
1980 - Kyle Lowder, American actor
1983 - Wilson Chen, Taiwanese actor
1984 - David Bentley, English footballer
1984 - Sulley Muntari, Ghanaian footballer
1985 - Alexandra Nechita, Romanian/American artist
1986 - Mario, American R&B singer
1987 - Darren McFadden, American football player
1988 - Alexa Vega, American actress

Happy BirthDay Tanveer Singh